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What is testing?

Firstly, testing is natural. From the time we are born, we are subject to testing – the first slap for the first cry – sound is good. The successful delivery of the baby of course takes a whole lot of planning and coordination, by parents and medical staff alike.

So too with any other form of testing, where results matter. In software development, the end result may be an app that we all use, like a banking app. It may be a system with a specific aim, like antivirus software, protecting us in the background. It may be a system controlling other systems for our safety, like railway signalling. It may be a system allowing us to unwind at the end of day, such as listening to music or playing a game. It may become one which makes decisions for us, with neither our knowledge nor explicit consent. Software is ubiquitous – it is now intelligent, apparently.

Software testing then is multi-faceted:

1.It is not limited to checking that it does what someone says that it should; it also includes checking that it does what the end user wants it to do – safely; fairly; legally and ethically perhaps. Testing goes beyong typical expectations.

3.It should also check that it does not do what it should not – such as allowing a fraudster to access your bank account via an OTP sent to your (now stolen) phone, which is now in the palm of their hand, not yours. Testing guards against unexpected outcomes.

4.It should keep up – we don’t slap babies anymore…Testing keeps up with the new norms.